Migrating your Linux Distro from RHEL to Oracle!

At #C18LV I had many people asking about my old VTN session, where I walked people through how to go from RHEL to Oracle Linux with only a few reboots, and all with keeping all the existing applications running. They Continue reading Migrating your Linux Distro from RHEL to Oracle!

Solaris+SPARC is Meltdown (CVE-2017-5754) free

Worried about the security of your data?  Did you know that SPARC+Solaris servers are not only Meltdown free, but also the ONLY platform that you can buy today that runs an Oracle Database that was not impacted by the Meltdown Continue reading Solaris+SPARC is Meltdown (CVE-2017-5754) free


“A LIE CAN RUN ROUND THE WORLD BEFORE THE TRUTH HAS GOT ITS BOOTS ON.”–TERRY PRATCHETT, THE TRUTH Recently there have been a ton of rumors being spread that Solaris is dead, SPARC is dead and that these technologies are Continue reading SPARC AND SOLARIS, THE PAST AND THE FUTURE

Oracle Management Cloud: Data Explorer

One of the abilities you get with the Oracle management Cloud, is the ability to explore all of the data points across all of the offerings.  This allows you to use the data from multiple sources to not only analysis Continue reading Oracle Management Cloud: Data Explorer

OMC Infrastructure Monitoring– Linux Entities

If you have not heard, Oracle recently released some new management technology that lets you monitor resources about anywhere they are installed… on-premises, Amazon Cloud, Oracle Cloud… even systems in your basement lab! In this entry of the series I Continue reading OMC Infrastructure Monitoring– Linux Entities

Oracle Management Cloud – Cloud Agent Install

If you are not familiar with the Oracle Management Cloud technology, please take a look at my summary here: HOW DO YOU MANAGE YOUR CLOUD? STRATEGIES FOR MULTI-VENDOR PUBLIC, PRIVATE & HYBRID CLOUD MANAGEMENT This BLOG will go over how Continue reading Oracle Management Cloud – Cloud Agent Install

It’s about time Solaris 12 was killed!

Yup, you all read that headline correctly, I am HAPPY that Oracle Solaris 12 was recently killed. Let this sink in… Solaris 12’s “death” is a good thing… And this is why. Oracle finally wised up about Operating System names, Continue reading It’s about time Solaris 12 was killed!

How much bandwidth is my Linux system using, and other network info.

Recently I was building a new Oracle Linux yum repository for a project, and had to kick off a uln-yum-mirror. This process is the key to making a local copy of an Oracle yum repository, enabling local hosts to use Continue reading How much bandwidth is my Linux system using, and other network info.